For four Christmases, Big Blue Bubble has sponsored a total of seven families through Life*Spin: a Community Economic Development (CED) organization serving low-income citizens in Ontario. Life*Spin’s Christmas program gives individuals and businesses the opportunity to sponsor an anonymous low-income family for the holidays by donating gifts on that family’s wishlist.

Year after year, our Life*Spin fundraising efforts are spearheaded by our incredible Administrative Assistant, Amanda. For further insight into the importance of programs like Life*Spin and the difference they make during the holidays, we spoke to Amanda about the studio’s involvement in Life*Spin’s Christmas program.

Toys for Boys and Girls
A few of the many gifts going to our 2018 Life*Spin families.

As Big Blue Bubble has grown, so have our contributions to Life*Spin. When we first began participating in the program, the studio was able to sponsor a single-parent family of five each year. This year, we set our goals higher: “The goal for 2018 was to sponsor eight to ten kids over two families, and we knocked that goal out of the park,” explains Amanda. “This year we are sponsoring four families with 24 kids between them.” The children we are sponsoring this year include boys and girls aged 2 to 16, from families with anywhere from three to eleven children.

Our 2017 Life*Spin Gifts

Big Blue Bubble’s gifts to our 2017 Life*Spin family.

With such a wide variety of kids to shop for each year, Big Blue Bubble works hard to make every dollar count so we can check as many items off our families’ wishlists as possible. “We’ve done our best this year to take our fundraising dollars and really stretch them,” said Amanda, “while still trying to go above and beyond for each and every family member.”

What exactly are these families asking for on their wishlists? In short, it depends on the family – but Amanda emphasized the value of everyday necessities. “This year, the families have asked for toys or ‘extras.’ We’ve seen years where the families are asking for basic necessities, like diapers, boots, or cleaning supplies,” said Amanda. “It really opens your eyes and makes sure you don’t take what you have for granted.”

Our 2018 Life*Spin Gifts

Big Blue Bubble donated dozens of gifts this year to delight kids of every age.

Most of all, it is our ability to uplift and empower struggling families in our community that drives Big Blue Bubble employees to donate – particularly during the season of giving. Amanda describes how personal it feels to sponsor Life*Spin families: “We call them our Christmas Family, and when we’re out shopping for them, that’s how it feels.” There’s no greater example of spreading Christmas cheer than a community coming together to provide the joy of the holidays to the families that need it most.

If you would like to get involved in Life*Spin’s Christmas program or make a donation, please visit their website.

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