12 Days of Yay Shopping List

Looking for the perfect gift for the Prospective Monster-Handler in your family? We’ve got you covered with the top 12 My Singing Monsters Christmas gifts!




RageOn Yool T-shirt


 Yool T-Shirt


Yool fall in love with this adorable RageOn T-shirt!

» Go Check It Out






 Mammott Pendant


With five Monsters to choose from, there’s a My Singing Monsters Pendant for every occasion!

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My Singing Monsters Search and Find


 Search and Find


An activity book for all ages, the My Singing Monsters Search and Find is perfect for any library!

» Go Check It Out




Amazon Gift Cards


 Amazon Gift Cards


Stumped by all the amazing choices you have? Why not get them an Amazon Gift Card so that they can choose their favorite Monster Swag!

» Go Check It Out




PomPom Plush


 PomPom Plush


The cheerful cheerleader of the Monster World makes an excellent gift for any Monster Fan!

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Monster Medley T-shirt


 Monster Medley T-Shirt


Why wear one Monster when you can wear them all! This shirt is perfect for anyone who can’t decide on their favorite Monster!

» Go Check It Out




RageOn Dawn of Fire Hoodie


 Dawn of Fire Hoodie


Beat the winter chill with the Monsters of Dawn of Fire wearing this comfy My Singing Monsters Hoodie from our friends at Rage On!

» Go Check It Out




Yool Sweater


 Yool Sweater


There’s nothing ugly about this Yool sweater!

» Go Check It Out




Entbrat Plush


 Entbrat Plush


The gentle giant of the Monster World can now fit right into a stocking!

» Go Check It Out




Mammott Hood


 Mammott Hood


Winter can be chilly, but you can stay as warm as a Mammott in this comfy Monster Hood!

» Go Check It Out




My Singing Monsters Official Soundtrack


 My Singing Monsters Official Soundtrack


The My Singing Monsters Soundtrack is perfect for the fan who wants to take their songs on the go!

» Go Check It Out



App Store Card

Google Play and iTunes Gift Cards


Still stumped? Every Monsters fan will love a gift card for their favorite App Store!

» iTunes Gift Cards & » Google Play Gift Cards


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