Early Access Update 1

April 2 2020

Next week will mark the arrival of Foregone’s first update in Early Access!

The update, which we previously outlined in our roadmap, will feature some much-requested features including:

  • New Weapons
    • SPEAR – Practice social distancing while poking fear in the heart of your enemies
    • BURST RIFLE – Q: What’s better than one bullet? A: Three
  • New Death Mechanic
    • Death brings a new form of redemption with the ability to retrieve lost Gold & Essence by returning to where you previously died
  • Improved Combos
    • Keep your combo going between slides and unleash the fabled dagger tornado
  • Control Rebinding

And more…

Epic Games Store Spring Sale

With the update coming next week, there’s never been a better time to jump into the world of Calagan. That’s why, in addition to sharing info about next week’s update, we wanted to let you know that Foregone will be 10% off as part of the Epic Games Store Spring Sale starting… RIGHT NOW and ending April 16th at 11 am EST!


Interested in winning a copy of the game?

We’re currently giving away five copies of the game through Twitter. All you need to do is follow @ForegoneGame and RT this post!

Last but not least, we wanted to say thank you to everyone who’s played the game or shared it with their friends. Your support, even through a quick ❤️ or 🔁, is incredibly helpful and always appreciated!


Until next time, thanks for following the journey.

– Foregone Team

PS: Stay safe <3

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